Welcome to Newport Mind
Newport Mind is a mental health organisation based in the city of Newport (Casnewydd) in South Wales, UK. We are part of the network of Local Mind Associations in England and Wales.
We work for the better mental health of people in Newport by providing a range of services. This site aims to provide more information about our organisation, our services, and how we work.
Newport Mind operates locally in the city of Newport. If you would like to find the nearest Mind association to you, please visit www.mind.org.uk For more information on mental health, visit our links and resources page
We won’t give up until everyone experiencing a mental health problem gets both support and respect.
We provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.
Open. We reach out to anyone who needs us
Together. We’re stronger in partnership
Responsive. We listen, we act
Independent. We speak out fearlessly
Unstoppable. We never give up
Staying Well: Support people likely to develop mental health problems, to stay well
Empowering choice: Empower people who experience a mental health problem to make informed choices about how they live and recover
Improving Services and support: Ensure people get the right services and support at the right time to help them recover from / live with a mental health problem
Enabling social participation: Open the doors to people with experience of mental health problems participating fully in society
Removing inequality of opportunity: Gain equality of treatment for people who experience both mental health and other forms of discrimination
Organisational excellence: Make the most of our assets by building a culture of excellence.
Mental health first aid (mhfa)
Mind is very pleased to be hosting
Health First Aid” training which is
particular relevant for those who are likely to come into
contact with people who are at risk of experiencing mental
distress such as police, nurses and community workers.
With one in four of us affected by mental health problems each year, service providers across Wales are being offered a new short training course to deal more effectively with these challenges.
For further information on courses please contact
[email protected]
or telephone 01633 258741
Newport Mind is committed to providing a quality, customer based service which has strong consistent values, has high standards of service delivery, is run in a robust way in line with the needs of the community and adheres to Mind's Quality Management in Mind Standards. We are also committed to achieving equal opportunities in employment and the services we provide.